Volkov Yu.G., Dyatlov A.V., Kurbatov V.I., Serikov A.V. All-Russian and ethnic identity in the South of Russia: correlation and resources. State and municipal management. Scientific notes, 2017, №4, pp. 156-161 Volkov Yu.G., Dyatlov A.V., Kurbatov V.I., Serikov A.V. All-Russian and ethnic identity in the South of Russia: correlation and resources. State and municipal management. Scientific notes, 2017, №4, pp. 156-161ISSN 2079-1690DOI 10.22394/2079-1690-2017-1-4-156-161РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30772622Posted on site: 05.01.18 AbstractThe South of Russia is among regions with complex ethnic and religious structure where in collective identifications the ethnic component was always strong. Degree of its representation and ratio in the general structure of identity − important aspects which have to be considered at implementation of measures of designing of the allRussian identity. Based on results of sociological researches, authors come to a conclusion that today in the south of Russia rather equilibrium state all-Russian and ethnocultural identities of types is observed and also identification in collective submissions of identification characteristics of Russia as territory and the Russian people including variety of ethnic communities (people) and cultures is fixed.