Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bogdanov V.S., Guseynova K.E., Pochestnev A.A. Sociocultural (civilizational) and institutional conditionality of the feedback technolgy in work of the elements of the power-management vertical. Research result. Sociology and management. - Vol. 3 (4), 2017

Bogdanov V.S., Guseynova K.E., Pochestnev A.A. Sociocultural (civilizational) and institutional conditionality of the feedback technolgy in work of the elements of the power-management vertical. Research result. Sociology and management. - Vol. 3 (4), 2017
ISSN 2408-9338
DOI 10.18413/2408-9338-2017-3-4-35-50

Posted on site: 26.01.18

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 26.01.2018)


This article provides domestic and global experience in implementing e-government projects and research practices in the study. There were analyzed the main criteria of an explication of structural and functional elements of e-Government projects, fixed reference points, social and technological barriers, and also possible tendencies trends in the transition to e-participation and governance (e-participation and e-Governance). It is asked whether there are in fact elements and flexible forms of regulation in modern information society or there is only imitation? There are considered the specifics of domestic structure of the power-management vertical’s organization and its purpose in the context of crystallization and integration of the institutional – regulatory components of sociocultural modernization of the country and regions. One of the basic criteria for the launch of sociocultural modernization should become goal-rational and communicative technologies on the organization of feedback principles of the authorities and management with the public (stakeholders). The reader is invited to discuss the problems and prospects which are contradicting and slowing down the implementation of goal-rational communicative technologies in domestic practice of functioning of the power-management vertical (PMV), and also to consider the possibility of entering the theoretical-methodological level of reasoning for the development and implementation of the methodology of studying the PMV phenomenon and also the possibility of use of rational-informative procedures for a feedback phenomenon explication in a domestic control system.