Andina T., Nikolaeva Zh.V. Made in Italy: Cultural exclusion o common memory? Summary for Round Table. Studia Culturae, 2017, No 1 (31), pp. 95-99. Andina T., Nikolaeva Zh.V. Made in Italy: Cultural exclusion o common memory? Summary for Round Table. Studia Culturae, 2017, No 1 (31), pp. 95-99. ISSN 2225-3211РИНЦ: on site: 12.02.18AbstractOctober 20, 2016, the Institute of Philosophy, SPbSU, hosted an international Round table “Made in Italy: identity exclusion or common memory?”. The organizers deliberately chose an interdisciplinary format of event in which took part Russian, Italian and other foreign scientists - representatives of different areas of the Humanities, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students of St. Petersburg state University, the public interested in the culture of Italy. The roundtable was organized by the Italian Institute of culture in Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg state University (Institute of Philosophy, Department of Russian Philosophy and Culture), Laboratory for ontological research (LabOnt) of the University of Turin, Institute of sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences (Research Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Areas). The event has taken place in the framework of the Third International conference “Mechanisms of Formation Zones of Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Areas - 2016” and in the framework ofXVI Week of Italian Language and Culture in the World: “Italy and Creativity: brands and tradition, fashion and design”. The format of the Round table was offered to discuss the academic aspects of such cultural and philosophical-anthropological phenomena as the Italian patterns of the collective consciousness, identity and exclusion with the example of interdisciplinary mega-concept of “Made in Italy” is already known in the world as a subject of scientific study and how a University education, after considering it how the representation of Italian collective memory. When we talk about Made in Italy we are not referring only to a mega-brand as a set of production artifacts and meanings. Rather the made in Italy expresses a constellation of meanings wide, and hardly circumscribed, which captures a vision of the world and a way of life. There are some central pillars of this constellation, which correspond to some typical characteristics for which Italy stands out in the world. It is essentially the art (and all its derivatives ranging from fashion, to design, to the care of the landscape), cultural heritage (and their integration in a plan of economic and cultural development) and food (in general, the reference is now to the entire sector of food and wine). If we find the common thread that unites the various sectors of the made in Italy we can certainly say that Italy has always expressed the taste and the search in favor of the quality of life, the beauty of the places, of the landscapes, and beautifully expressed by our art), and of the pleasure experienced as a total size. In this framework, the challenges that the made in Italy today before they are essentially two: in the first place, to promote a cultural integration, the true, that is at the same time, integration and contamination with different cultures, and the second is that, not less important, to promote technical development and sustainable industrial able to overcome the temptations of conservatism often evident in many sectors of our society.