Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Tikhonov A.V. Akimkin E.M. Chapter 7. Living conditions of the population and attitude to the work of the power-management vertical in the regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. In: Russia: Reforming the Power-Management Vertical in the Context of Problems of Sociocultural Modernization of the Regions [monograph] Ed. by A. V. Tikhonov. M. - FNISC RAS - 2017 - 76-93.

Tikhonov A.V. Akimkin E.M. Chapter 7. Living conditions of the population and attitude to the work of the power-management vertical in the regions with different levels of socio-cultural modernization. In: Russia: Reforming the Power-Management Vertical in the Context of Problems of Sociocultural Modernization of the Regions [monograph] Ed. by A. V. Tikhonov. M. - FNISC RAS - 2017 - 76-93.

Глава из книги: Россия: реформирование властно-управленческой вертикали в контексте проблем социокультурной модернизации регионов [монография] / [А. В. Тихонов и др.]; отв. ред. А. В. Тихонов. — Москва : ФНИСЦ РАН, 2017. — 432 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-298-3

Posted on site: 02.04.18