Sociology of the future: sociological knowledge and social project: monograph Sociology of the future: sociological knowledge and social project: monograph / Y.G. Volkov. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2017. - 178 p.ISBN 978-5-406-05736-0DOI 10.15216/978-5-406-05736-0РИНЦ: on site: 11.05.18 AbstractThe author comprehends the prospects for the formation and development of sociology of the future as an independent direction of sociological thought. The logic of modern sociological thought, the request for new theoretical and methodological approaches, the scale and complexity of the problems of the social development of Russian society, actualize the conceptualization of the sociology of the future, the formation of a categorical apparatus and the development of models for the empirical verification of processes that are oriented toward creating the future. The monograph consistently develops the views of the author, proceeding from the absence of alternative for the Russian society of social creativity and social solidarity as the main resources of development on social micro- and macrolevels. For managers, researchers, teachers, students, graduate students, doctoral students specializing in the field of Sociology. The author comprehends the prospects for the formationand development of sociology of the future as anindependent direction of sociological thought. The logicof modern sociological thought, the request for new theoretical and methodological approaches, the scale andcomplexity of the problems of the social development of Russian society, actualize the conceptualization of thesociology of the future, the formation of a categorical apparatus and the development of models for theempirical verification of processes that are oriented toward creating the future. The monograph consistently develops the views of the author, proceeding from the absence of alternative for the Russian society of social creativity and social solidarity as the main resources of development on social micro- and macrolevels. Formanagers, researchers, teachers, students, graduatestudents, doctoral students specializing in the field of Sociology. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Введение .......................................................... 5 Глава 1. СОЦИОЛОГИЯ БУДУЩЕГО В КОНТЕКСТЕ РАЗВИТИЯ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ ТРАДИЦИИ........... 17 1.1. Социология будущего как тенденция самопознания российского общества............................ 19 1.2. Социология будущего как объективная тенденция развития отечественной социологической мысли.......................... 42 Глава 2. СОЦИОЛОГИЯ БУДУЩЕГО: ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ КОНСТРУКТ......................................... 67 2.1. Методологический поворот к социологии будущего.......................... 69 2.2. Категориальная система социологии будущего............................. 91 Глава 3. БУДУЩЕЕ КАК СОЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЕКТ И СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ЗНАНИЕ.............................................. 115 3.1. Потенциал будущего российского общества............................ 117 3.2. Социология будущего и будущее отечественной социологии.........145 Заключение..........................................................170 Библиографический список.....................................175