Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

National policy in Russia: the possibility of implementing foreign experience: monograph

National policy in Russia: the possibility of implementing foreign experience: monograph / resp. ed. Y.G. Volkov. - M.: Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2016. - 422 p.
ISBN 978-5-91604-020-3

Posted on site: 11.05.18



The monograph presents the results of empirical verification of the possibility of implementing in Russia the models of national integration, value policy and institutional practices in the field of interethnic relations between the US and Germany, taking into account expert opinions and values ​​of public consciousness. The monograph is intended for specialists in comparative study of interethnic interactions in the era of glocalization, as well as bachelors and masters studying in the field of Sociology, Foreign Regional Studies and Regional Studies in Russia. The monograph presents the results of empirical verification of the possibility of implementing in Russia the models of national integration, value policy and institutional practices in the field of interethnic relations between the US and Germany, taking into account expert opinions and values ​​of public consciousness.The monograph is intended for specialists in comparative study of interethnic interactions in the era of glocalization, as well as bachelors and masters studying in the field of Sociology, Foreign Regional Studies and Regional Studies in Russia.



Волков Ю.Г., Бедрик А.В., Войтенко В.П., Вялых Н.А., Дегтярев А.К., Денисова Г.С., Лубский А.В., Посухова О.Ю., Сериков А.В., Чернобровкин И.П.
Редактор: Волков Ю.Г.

Content (in russ)