Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Social Diagnostics and Sociological Expertise: Textbook

Social Diagnostics and Sociological Expertise: Textbook / Y.G. Volkov. - M.: KNORUS, 2015. - 240 p. - (Baccalaureate).
ISBN 978-5-406-04608-1
DOI 10.15216/978-5-406-04608-1

Posted on site: 14.05.18



The issues of social diagnostics and sociological expertise that have been insufficiently studied by Russian sociologists are covered. The author of the book believes that the development of conceptual and applied problems of this direction of sociological thought can contribute to raising the status of sociology both as an academic discipline and as socially useful knowledge included in the process of forming a strategy for the social development of Russian society. The manual can be considered a propaedeutics in a new sociological field, as it offers readers to understand the logic of the transition of sociology to diagnostic and expert knowledge. It corresponds to the current federal state educational standard of higher education of the new generation. For university students studying in the field of Sociology, as well as specialists in the field of social diagnostics and expertise. The issues of social diagnostics and sociological expertise that have been insufficiently studied by Russian sociologists are covered. The author of the book believes that the development of conceptual and applied problems of this direction of sociological thought can contribute toraising the status of sociology both as an academic discipline and as socially useful knowledge included in the process of forming a strategy for the social development of Russian society. The manual can be considered apropaedeutics in a new sociological field, as it offers readers to understand the logic of the transition of sociology to diagnostic and expert knowledge. It corresponds to the current federal state educational standard of higher education of the new generation. For university students studying in the field of Sociology, aswell as specialists in the field of social diagnostics and expertise.


Content (in russ)