Voronin G.P., Kiseleva. I.P., Kozyreva P.M., Kosolapov M.S., Evgrafova K.O., Nizamova A.E., Smirnov A.I., Sokolova S.B. Socio-economical behavior of Russian households (on RLMS-HSE data 1992-2011). Vestnik of Russian Longitudinal monitoring survey HSE (RLMS-HSE). Issue 3. [Electronic resource] ... Voronin G.P., Kiseleva. I.P., Kozyreva P.M., Kosolapov M.S., Evgrafova K.O., Nizamova A.E., Smirnov A.I., Sokolova S.B. Socio-economical behavior of Russian households (on RLMS-HSE data 1992-2011). Vestnik of Russian Longitudinal monitoring survey HSE (RLMS-HSE). Issue 3. [Electronic resource]/ Ed. by Kozyreva P.M. Moscow, Higher School of economics. 2013. Pp. 7-102. URL: http://www.hse.ru/rlms/vestnikISBN 978-5-7598-1111-4Posted on site: 30.05.18Текст статьи/сборника на сайте НИУ-ВШЭ URL: https://www.hse.ru/data/2013/10/17/1279641595/Vestnik_RLMS-HSE_2013.pdf (дата обращения 30.05.2018)AbstractThis paper contains main results derived from analysis of socio-economial behavior of Russian households of Russia. Analysis was based on Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey HSE (RLMS-HSE) data, which is represented by a series of yearly nationwide representative sample surveys conducted in Russian Federation since 1992. In 2011, socio-economic situation and behavior of Russian households continued to be affected by the impact of the financial and economic crisis. Despite a number of positive trends in the development of the economy (the approach of GDP to the pre-crisis level, growth in consumption, a record low inflation), a significant number of Russians have experienced anxiety, a sense of uncertainty and uncertainty in the future. For the low-income strata of the population, the problems associated with rising food and utility tariffs, the threat of unemployment and low wages This article is based on the material containing a comparative analysis of wave 20 results and results of previous surveys. Авторы:Воронин Г.Л., Киселёва И.П., Козырева П.М., Косолапов М.С., Евграфова К.О., Низамова А.Э., Смирнов А.И., Соколова С.Б.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Содержание Введение.............................................................................................. 4 Воронин Г. Л., Киселева И. П., Козырева П. М., Косолапов М. С., Нафигина К. О., Низамова А. Э., Смирнов А. И., Соколова С. Б. Социально-экономическое поведение российских домохозяйств (по данным RLMS-HSE, 1992–2011) ....................................................... 7 Воронин Г. Л. Инвестиции российских домохозяйств в образование, здоровье и развитие детей (по данным RLMS-HSE, 1994–2011) ..............103 Никитина Е. А. Расходы на образование детей в российских семьях в 2011 г. ............................................................133 Рощина Я. М., Коновалова В. С. Материнский капитал: стратегии поведения населения России ................................................152 Димова Н. А., Ефимова И. А. Кредитное поведение населения ................165 Рощина Я. М., Трошина А. А. Цифровое неравенство россиян в сфере медиапотребления ..................................................................187 Сведения об авторах...........................................................................204