Measurements in sociology. Methodological materials by discipline: [electronic resource] Measurements in sociology. Methodological materials by discipline: [electronic resource] / G.G. Tatarova; FCTAS RAS – Electronic text given (0.5 MB). – Moscow: FCTAS RAS, 2018. – 44 p. – // Official FCTAS RAS portal. URL:. 978-5-89697-301-0Posted on site: 02.07.18Текст книги.AbstractThe methodological aid includes materials for teaching “Measurements in Sociology”. An authorial approach is proposed for the teaching of students, arising from the inadmissibility (at the Bachelor level) and added complexity of material, and its excessive simplification. The idea for this approach is the initial immersion into an instrumental environment based upon: the formation of a comprehensive perception of the logic of the research process; the creation of scientific reflexes in students regarding adopted methodological solutions in the context of reception, approaches, and methods of measurement; the illustration of the cognitive possibilities of mathematical formalism; the comprehensibility of study materials to the “average” student. The aid expounds upon a thematic program for the course, a description of exercises for individual accomplishment for each theme, test cases, and a scheme of analysis for the film Kitchen Stories. Particular attention is given to materials related to running seminar exercises along the principle of “methodological taboos” by reflecting on the logical chain of questions: What to measure? Where and in what conditions? For what purpose? Using what means? The materials in the aid may be used during the teaching process not just of the “Measurement in Sociology” discipline, but in other “methodological” disciplines.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Содержание ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ДЛЯ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ ............................................4 ВВЕДЕНИЕ. Цели и задачи дисциплины ..................................................6 ЧАСТЬ 1. Рабочая программа ......................................................................8 Раздел 1. Измерения в социологии: основные понятия и принципы ....8 Раздел 2. Одномерное шкалирование: построение индексов, ранжирование .............................................................................................................8 Раздел 3. Одномерное шкалирование: классические модели измерения социальных установок .............................................................................9 Раздел 4. Проективные методы измерения .............................................9 Раздел 5. Измерение на этапе анализа данных .....................................10 ЧАСТЬ 2. Методические рекомендации по организации учебного процесса ......................................................................................................1 2.1. Образовательные технологии ..........................................................11 2.2. О рабочей тетради студента ............................................................13 2.3. Примерный перечень вопросов для сдачи экзамена......................13 ЧАСТЬ 3. Задания и методические рекомендации по обеспечению самостоятельной работы студентов ...................................................................16 ЧАСТЬ 4. Тестовые задания .......................................................................28 ЧАСТЬ 5. Рекомендуемая литература .......................................................37 ВМЕСТО ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЯ.«Языковые конструкты» студентов ..............42