Nazarenko A.V. Socio-cultural determinants and indicators of social and political harmony. In: Political harmony: from theory to practice: monograph. number of authors under the editorship of Professor O. M. Mikhailenko. Institute of sociology RAS. Moscow: RUSYNS, 2016. P. 83-114. Nazarenko A.V. Socio-cultural determinants and indicators of social and political harmony. In: Political harmony: from theory to practice: monograph. number of authors under the editorship of Professor O. M. Mikhailenko. Institute of sociology RAS. Moscow: RUSYNS, 2016. P. 83-114.Глава из книги: Политическое согласие: от теории к практике : монография / кол. авторов; под ред. проф. О.М. Михайленка. — Москва : РУСАЙНС, 2016. — 276 с.ISBN 978-5-4365-1428-4DOI 10.15216/978-5-4365-1428-4РИНЦ: on site: 03.07.18AbstractFactors and conditions that determine the level of social and political harmony in modern Russia. Consent of values vs consent of goals. Parameters for assessing the level of social and political harmony in Russia