Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Latova N.V. The human potentional of russian workers: values and attitudes. Journal of Institutional Studies, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 44-58.

Latova N.V. The human potentional of russian workers: values and attitudes. Journal of Institutional Studies, 2018, Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 44-58.
ISSN 2076-6297
DOI 10.17835/2076-6297.2018.10.2.044-058

Posted on site: 10.07.18

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 10.07.2018)


The empirical basis of the analysis undertaken in the article was the materials of the project The dynamics of social transformation of modern Russia in the socio-economic, political, sociocultural and ethno-religious contexts which was carried out in March 2016 by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the example of the perception of life success concept the author analyzes certain features of the values and attitudes of various professional groups, first of all the workers. The value priorities of the workers are considered as a component of their human potential which is interpreted through the extensive characterization of human capital. Two models of life success are singled out - the basic model, determined by the generally accepted cultural norms and values in the society, and the individualized model which is formed by the interests and needs of the individual. In both cases the workers are characterized by a less emphasis on values related to work activity than other professional groups. This is expressed both in a smaller number of such values among the significant values for them and in the general blurring of their value orientations in this area. At the same time from the point of view of classical labor values that affect the quality of their human capital as a combination of knowledge and skills, the specificity of workers is shown mainly in the lack of attention to education as an independent value. The workers associate life success not so much with the education they receive but also with practical activity (the value of work). It is also shown that one should not expect from workers independent actions, due to the internal need for self-development to increase their human capital. This will require special measures to stimulate them, and for workers under the age of 40 with such stimulation the emphasis should be done on professional growth and career opportunities associated with it, and for workers over 40 it is advisable to expand the use of traditional for the domestic production culture artel forms of labour organization. Besides, considering the importance of the “financial well-being” value for workers in general, such stimulation should be based on the workers' orientation to maximizing their earnings, i.e. their qualifications should be much more strongly correlated with their wages than it is in modern Russian society.