Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Tarasenko L.V., Panfiloa Yu.S., Romanova G.M., Ukraintseva I.I., Romanov M.S. A complex sociological portrait of school leavers, students and graduates of the system of secondary vocational education: theoretical and methodological bases of the research. Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2017, Issue. 4 (47) ...

Tarasenko L.V., Panfiloa Yu.S., Romanova G.M., Ukraintseva I.I., Romanov M.S. A complex sociological portrait of school leavers, students and graduates of the system of secondary vocational education: theoretical and methodological bases of the research. Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2017, Issue. 4 (47)/
ISSN 2073-8633

Posted on site: 15.08.18



An integrated description of the specific properties and characteristics of a social group presupposes the construction of its sociological portrait. The article presents theoretical and methodological foundations of sociological research, whose goal is to obtain a scientifically-based portrait of entrants, students and graduates of the system of secondary vocational education. It is substantiated that a comprehensive description of the social and status characteristics, career expectations and educational strategies of this social community should be based on the heuristic potential of resource, value-motivational and functional approaches and implemented within the neoclassical paradigm of scientific research.