Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I. Entrepreneurial Activity in the Context of Innovative Modernization. Vestnik of Moscow state linguistic university. Social sciences, 2018, Issue 3(806), pp. 158–177.

Kozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I. Entrepreneurial Activity in the Context of Innovative Modernization. Vestnik of Moscow state linguistic university. Social sciences, 2018, Issue 3(806), pp. 158–177.
ISSN 2500-347X

Posted on site: 30.10.18


The article is devoted to the study of motivational aspects of business activity in connection with the problems of expansion and increase of business participation efficiency in the processes of innovation modernization. The focus is on the current problems of development of small and medium-sized businesses, due to the significant growth of its role in the implementation of economic development plans compared to other sectors of the economy. The analysis is based on the data of The “Russian monitoring of the economic situation and health of the population by RLMS-HSE” – a long-term longitudinal study of households. The author reveals the prerequisites, features and difficulties of participation inentrepreneurial activity, the most professionally prepared part of the economically active population of Russia – specialists with higher and secondary vocational education. The attention is drawn to the fact that a significant majority of skilled workers have experience in the development of a new specialty, at different times they mastered new methods of work and new modern equipment. Many have developed and promoted proposals related to the improvement of products or various technological processes at the main or additional work. However, at the same time, a large part of them was engaged in the production of mostly routine traditional work of medium complexity, which is hardly able to bring some significant contribution to the implementation of innovative modernization. It is established that a relatively small part of qualified professionals with the desire for entrepreneurship, while the majority agrees with the role of passive performers. We also consider the reasons forcing entrepreneurs to leave business, to abandon their own business in favor of a quieter, more predictable and less responsible activity. The development of business is hampered by the lack of effective mechanisms to support entrepreneurship by the state, frequent changes in the conditions of economic activity, and the limitation of all kinds of resources. Feeling the strongest pressure from officials, representatives of law enforcement agencies, corrupt officials, the business tries to isolate itself from society. All this once again convinces us that by increasing efforts to improve the business climate, it is important not to forget about the need to ensure a balanced combination of the market and the state, to improve the mechanism of state management of the economy. The easing of only some bureaucratic procedures is not effective enough to make the business climate more favorable and predictable, so that more Russians have a steady desire to start their own business and actively engage in the process of innovative modernization. A low level of entrepreneurial activity is one of the most serious reasons constraining the creation of a dynamically developing innovation economy. There is the existence of a direct link between entrepreneurial success and innovation activity in the field of small and mediumsized businesses. The opportunities for entrepreneurs to participate in innovative activities are largely due to their personal resources.


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