Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kozlova T.Z. On the history of local self-govarnance: from the commitees of local self-governance in Moscow to the modern self-governance. Municipality: economics and management, 2018, Issue 3, pp. 5-10.

Kozlova T.Z. On the history of local self-govarnance: from the commitees of local self-governance in Moscow to the modern self-governance. Municipality: economics and management, 2018, Issue 3, pp. 5-10.
ISSN 2304-3385

Posted on site: 03.12.18


The article presents a comparative analysis of local self-governance, from historical perspective, in the USSR and in modern Russia. In the USSR, the law on the local self-governance was passed in the 1980s. Due to changes of the socio-economic conditions and collapse of the USSR, local self-governance also changed. According the 1993 law of the Russian Federation, the local self-governance is administered by municipal government. Keywords: history of local self-governance, committees of local self-governance, transformation of local self-governance, municipalities. Abstract. The article presents a comparative analysis of local self-governance, from historical perspective, in the USSR and in modern Russia. In the USSR, the law on the local self-governance was passed in the 1980s. Due to changes of the socio-economic conditions and collapse of the USSR, local self-governance also changed. According the 1993 law of the Russian Federation, the local self-governance is administered by municipal government.