Bineeva N.K., Bedrik A.V., Dyuzhikov S.A. Civil potential of regulation of interethnic relations in modern Russian society. State and municipal government. Scholarly notes, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 206-210. Bineeva N.K., Bedrik A.V., Dyuzhikov S.A. Civil potential of regulation of interethnic relations in modern Russian society. State and municipal government. Scholarly notes, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 206-210.ISSN 2079-1690DOI 10.22394/2079-1690-2018-1-4-206-210РИНЦ: on site: 28.12.18Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 28.12.2018)AbstractThe article deals with the problem of the development of civilian capacity to regulate inter-ethnic relations in modern Russia. Programs, national policy documents and statements by state leaders declare the goal of increasing the participation of civil society institutions in the implementation of national policy objectives and activities. However, real social practices indicate a low level of subjectivity of civil institutions in the implementation of programs for the harmonization of inter-ethnic relations, the absence of an equal dialogue between government bodies and public associations. Overcoming such a problem is possible on the basis of measures proposed by the authors of the article and will allow neutralizing the current risks of the dynamics of intercultural communication in Russia and in the Rostov region. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents