Nevskiy A.V. Voluntary rescuers in the emergency response system in Russia: on the problem of interaction between civic organizations and the state. Power and Elites ... Nevskiy A.V. Voluntary rescuers in the emergency response system in Russia: on the problem of interaction between civic organizations and the state. Power and Elites / Ed. by A. Duka. Vol.5. St. Petersburg: Intersotsis, 2018. P. 562-589. ISSN 2410-9517DOI 10.31119/pe.2018.5.21РИНЦ: on site: 29.12.18AbstractThe article examines the phenomenon of volunteering inemergency situations as a special form of civic action, carried out incollaboration with state authorities and aimed at solving short-termproblems. The example of a voluntary rescuers’ community operating in theNorth-West region of Russia shows various types of interactions betweenvolunteers and professional rescuers, institutional constraints for volunteerwork, and trends in mutual influence between public rescue services and thevolunteer community. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents