B. Cantwell, S. Marginson, A. Smolentseva (eds). (2018) High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford University Press: 496 B. Cantwell, S. Marginson, A. Smolentseva (eds). (2018) High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford University Press: 496ISBN 978-0-198-82887-7 DOI 10.1093/oso/9780198828877.001.0001Posted on site: 11.01.19 AbstractHigher education has become a central institution of society, building individual knowledge, skills, agency, and relational social networks at unprecedented depth and scale. Within a generation there has been an extraordinary global expansion of higher education, in every region in all but the poorest countries, outstripping economic growth and deriving primarily from familial aspirations for betterment. By focusing on the systems and countries that have already achieved near universal participation, High participation systems (HPS) of higher education explores this remarkable transformation.The world enrolment ratio, now rising by 10 per cent every decade, is approaching 40 per cent, mostly in degree-granting institutions, including three-quarters of young people in North America and Europe. Higher education systems in the one in three countries that enrol more than 50 per cent are here classified as ‘HPS’.Part I of the book measures, maps, and explains the growth of participation, and the implications for society and higher education itself. Drawing on a wide range of literature and data, the chapters theorize the changes in governance, institutional diversity, and stratification in higher education systems, and the subsequent effects in educational and social equity. The theoretical propositions regarding high-participation higher education developed in these chapters are then tested in the country case studies in Part II, presenting a comprehensive enquiry into the nature of the emerging ‘high participation society’.Авторы:Кантвел Б., Маргинсон С., Смоленцева А., Константиновский Д.Л., и др.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents Worldwide Tendencies 1: High participation systems (HPS) of higher education, Simon Marginson 2: Comparative data on high participation systems, Patrick Clancy and Simon Marginson 3: Governance, Brendan Cantwell, Rómulo Pinheiro, and Marek Kwiek 4: Horizontal diversity, Dominik Antonowicz, Brendan Cantwell, Isak Froumin, Glen A. Jones, Simon Marginson, and Rómulo Pinheiro 5: Vertical stratification, Brendan Cantwell and Simon Marginson 6: Equity, Simon Marginson 7: High participation society, Anna Smolentseva Country Cases 8: Decentralization, provincial systems, and the challenge of equity: High participation higher education in Canada, Glen A. Jones 9: Broad access and steep stratification in the first mass system: High participation higher education in the United States of America, Brendan Cantwell 10: Regulated isomorphic competition and the middle layer of institutions: High participation higher education in Australia, Simon Marginson 11: Stratification by the state and the market: High participation higher education in Russia, Anna Smolentseva, Isak Froumin, David L. Konstantinovskiy, and Mikhail Lisyutkin 12: Building a new society and economy: High participation higher education in Poland, Marek Kwiek 13: Reproducing social equality across the generations: The Nordic model of high participation higher education in Finland, Jussi Välimaa and Reetta Muhonen 14: Balancing efficiency and equity in a welfare state setting: High participation higher education in Norway, Rómulo Pinheiro and Bjørn Stensaker 15: Towards universal access amid demographic decline: High participation higher education in Japan, Akiyoshi Yonezawa and Futao Huang 16: Conclusions: High participation higher education in the post-Trow era, Brendan Cantwell, Simon Marginson, and Anna SmolentsevaГлавы из этой книги:Константиновский Д. Л., Смоленцева А., Фрумин И., Лисуткин М.. Konstantinovskiy D., Smolentseva A., Froumin I., Lisyutkin M. (2018) Stratification by the State and the Market: High Participation Higher Education in Russia. In: B. Cantwell, S. Marginson, A. Smolentseva (eds). High Participation Systems of Higher Education. Oxford University Press: 295-333. (C. 295-333)