Divisenko K.S. (2018) Traditional Cultural Values and Family Relations in China. In New Importance of family and Intergenerational Relations for Russia and China. St Petersburg, “Renome”. P. 50-64. Divisenko K.S. (2018) Traditional Cultural Values and Family Relations in China. In New Importance of family and Intergenerational Relations for Russia and China. St Petersburg, “Renome”. P. 50-64.Глава из книги: Новая значимость семьи и межпоколенных отношений для России и Китая: [монография] / под ред. И. И. Елисеевой; Социологический ин-т ФНИСЦ РАН. — СПб.: «Реноме», 2018. — 208 с.ISBN 978-5-00125-137-8DOI 10.25990/socinstras.rus-chin.mrzj-mb83РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36908107Posted on site: 19.03.19Текст книги на сайте СИ ФНИСЦ РАН URL: http://socinst.ru/wp-content/uploads/base/news/text/Rossiya-Kitaj_2018_PRINT-1.pdf (дата обращения 19.03.2019)AbstractThe chapter represents an analytical review of recent academic literature about the influence of traditional cultural values on institution of the family, gender and sexual relations in China. The analysis of traditional cultural values contributes to the understanding of the current family institution in China. Its new significance is associated with the emergence of new trends and the reproduction of previously existing models. Traditional cultural values which occur from the ethics of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, affect both the attitudes and social ideas of the contemporary Chinese, as well as their real behavior. Filial piety as one of the central values of Chinese culture is changing, but its role retains in intergenerational interactions and upbringing of children. At the same time among young people there are some value shifts and conflicts caused by the influence of Western cultural context. The factors contributing to these shifts are the economic development of regions, urbanization, and educational level.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents