E. Stroganova, Echoes of the First World War in Argentina: New Approaches to Studying the Problem. In: Results and Consequences of the First World War: A Look through the Century [Text]: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 16–17 2018) ... E. Stroganova, Echoes of the First World War in Argentina: New Approaches to Studying the Problem. In: Results and Consequences of the First World War: A Look through the Century [Text]: collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Voronezh, May 16–17 2018) / Editorial: A. A. Bogdashkin (Ed.) [And others]; VUZV VVS VVS; FNISTS RAS; FSBIS Institute of Slavic Studies, RAS; FGBUN Institute of General History, RAS. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center Scientific Book, 2018. P. 244-258Глава из книги: Итоги и последствия Первой мировой войны: взгляд через столетие [Текст]: сборник статей Всероссийской научно-теоретической конференции (г. Воронеж, 16–17 мая 2018 г.) / редкол.: А. А. Богдашкин (отв. ред.) [и др.]; ВУНЦ ВВС ВВА; ФНИСЦ РАН; ФГБУН Институт славяноведения РАН ; ФГБУН Институт всеобщей истории РАН. – Воронеж: Издательско-полиграфический центр Научная книга, 2018. – 422 с.ISBN 978-5-4446-1241-5Posted on site: 20.03.19 AbstractUntil the beginning of the First World War, Argentina was the richest and most advanced country in the southern continent, and it even ranked first in the world in the export of a number of agricultural products. At the very beginning of the war, Argentina declared its neutrality and adhered to it to the very end. But this did not help to improve the situation of the working population in the country. The profits from the war went to foreign companies and the local bourgeois-landlord oligarchy. And the country as a whole began to lose its wealth and by the middle of the twentieth century finally lost its position.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents