Schenina OG Parties and civil society in terms of networking. In: Public Administration of the Russian Federation: Challenges and Prospects ... Schenina OG Parties and civil society in terms of networking. In: Public Administration of the Russian Federation: Challenges and Prospects // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Public Administration in the XXI Century: [Collection], electronic publication of network dissemination / Authors. - M .: KDU, University Book, 2019. P. 798-804. URL: ISBN 978-5-91304-853-0Posted on site: 01.04.19AbstractThe article deals with the problem of communicative and communication aspects of network interaction between parties and civil society. Configurations of network communications suggest other models that are formed in the conditions of formation of a new social reality. An attempt is made to analyze the agenda of inter-network interaction. The idea that network communications of parties and civil society can be considered as platforms of public control of political decision-making process is proved. The potential for networking has not yet been fully assessed, either in theory or in practice.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents