Voznesenskaya E.D. Rural youth: from higher education to work. In: Theory and practice of social development in the light of modern scientific knowledge: collection of materials of the III International Scientific Conference, Kraskovo, 25 Apr. 2019 - M.: Pero; Kraskovo: Humanitarian and Social Institute, 2019. P. 229-233 Voznesenskaya E.D. Rural youth: from higher education to work. In: Theory and practice of social development in the light of modern scientific knowledge: collection of materials of the III International Scientific Conference, Kraskovo, 25 Apr. 2019 - M.: Pero; Kraskovo: Humanitarian and Social Institute, 2019. P. 229-233ISBN 978-5-00150-255-5Posted on site: 26.09.19Текст статьи.AbstractBased on the analysis of data of sociological studies and scientific literature, the question of what is the rural youth with higher education and how their educational resources work in rural areas is examined. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents