Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kuriukin A.N. Paradigms of contemporary education. In: Allrussia sociological conference Education and society

Kuriukin A.N. Paradigms of contemporary education. In: Allrussia sociological conference Education and society/ Moscow, 22-23 octuber 2009. - M.: IS RAS, RSS, 2009 (CD, ISBN 978-5-89697-165-8).

Глава из книги: Всероссийская социологическая конференция «Образование и общество». Москва, 20-22 октября 2009 г. - М.: ИС РАН; РОС, 2009 (Диск CD, ISBN 978-5-89697-165-8).
ISBN 978-5-89697-165-8

Posted on site: 14.11.19


In the theses, the author, based on an analysis of the current state of the Russian education system, identifies a number of paradigms inherent in it, as socio-cultural and political-administrative examples or patterns of its organization and functioning, which determine its current state, and, in most cases, determine prospects future evolution.