Akimkin E.M. Dridze Tamara Moiseevna. In: Sociology of Russia in persons: history and modernity. Encyclopedic publication Akimkin E.M. Dridze Tamara Moiseevna. In: Sociology of Russia in persons: history and modernity. Encyclopedic publication / Author of the foreword. and before ed. Acad. RAS M.K. Gorshkov. - M.: All World Publishing House, 2019. P. 148-149.Глава из книги: Социология России в лицах: история и современность. Энциклопедическое издание / Автор предисл. и пред. ред. совета акад. РАН М.К. Горшков. — М.: Издательство «Весь Мир», 2019. 862 с., ил.ISBN 978-5-7777-0731-4Posted on site: 12.12.19AbstractThe article is dedicated to the life and work of Tamara Moiseevna Dridze - a Russian sociologist and psychologist, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, creator of the eco-anthropocentric paradigm of sociology and the semiosociopsychological paradigm of social communication, the head of an interdisciplinary research team, whose works have scientifically substantiated the methodology of predictive social design.