Braslavskiy R. G. Kotlyarevskiy Sergey Andreevich. In: Sotsiologiya Rossii v litsakh: istoriya i sovremennost. Entsiklopedicheskoye izdanie [Sociology of Russia in Persons: History and Contemporaneity. Encyclopedic Edition]. Ed. by Academician M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2019. P. 43-44. Braslavskiy R. G. Kotlyarevskiy Sergey Andreevich. In: Sotsiologiya Rossii v litsakh: istoriya i sovremennost. Entsiklopedicheskoye izdanie [Sociology of Russia in Persons: History and Contemporaneity. Encyclopedic Edition]. Ed. by Academician M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2019. P. 43-44. Глава из книги: Социология России в лицах: история и современность. Энциклопедическое издание / Автор предисл. и пред. ред. совета акад. РАН М.К. Горшков. — М.: Издательство «Весь Мир», 2019. 862 с., ил.ISBN 978-5-7777-0731-4Posted on site: 30.12.19AbstractThe dictionary article provides a brief biography and a description of the main political and sociological ideas of the Russian historian, lawyer, political sociologist Sergei Andreevich Kotlyarevsky (1873-1939), who emphasized the leading role of the political (political science) point of view, in contrast to the legal and sociological approaches, on the phenomenon of the state.