Volkov Yu. G., Vereshchagina A. V., Uzunov V. V. Scenarios of the innovation development of Russian regions: institutional and managerial dimension. State and municipal management scholar notes, 2019, Issue. 2, pp. 35-40. Volkov Yu. G., Vereshchagina A. V., Uzunov V. V. Scenarios of the innovation development of Russian regions: institutional and managerial dimension. State and municipal management scholar notes, 2019, Issue. 2, pp. 35-40.ISSN 2079-1690DOI 10.22394/2079-1690-2019-1-2-35-40РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38243144Posted on site: 30.12.19Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: http://upravlenie.uriu.ranepa.ru/2019/06/27/scenarii-innovacionnogo-razvitiya-rossijskix-regionov-institucionalno-upravlencheskoe-izmerenie/ (дата обращения 30.12.2019)AbstractThe innovative development of Russian regions, assessed as ineffective, is determined by many factors that determine the many positions regarding the options and prospects for the innovation trajectory of Russia and its regions. These options indicate a further inertial trajectory as the most likely in the trajectory of the innovation strategy of the Russian regions, however. In most cases, the negative scenario of the development of Russian society is associated with it, and the search for ways and prospects for the implementation of other scenarios that can lead the country's regions to a truly innovative development strategy implies a more efficient application of the scenario approach in the practice of regional management.