Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Endryushko A.A. Role of azerbaijani national cultural associations in maintaining interethnic harmony (on the example of FNCA AzerRos). Ethnosocium and interethnic culture, 2019, No. 11 (137), pp. 79-93.

Endryushko A.A. Role of azerbaijani national cultural associations in maintaining interethnic harmony (on the example of FNCA AzerRos). Ethnosocium and interethnic culture, 2019, No. 11 (137), pp. 79-93.
ISSN 2072-3091

Posted on site: 31.12.19


Based on the materials of the content analysis of documents, analysis of the media space, as well as on the data of semi-structured expert interviews, the areas of activity of Azerbaijani associations in Russia, their role in national-cultural self-determination, the formation of ethnic and civic identity, and the maintenance of interethnic harmony in our country are examined using the example of federal national-cultural autonomy of Azerbaijanis of Russia (FNCA AzerRos).