Y. Ermolaeva, N. W. Weins, C. L. da Silva, L. da Costa. Ferreira Social factors of waste management in megacities: a comparison between Moscow & São Paulo. Forum Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos, FIRS annal, 2019, pp. 1-9. Y. Ermolaeva, N. W. Weins, C. L. da Silva, L. da Costa. Ferreira Social factors of waste management in megacities: a comparison between Moscow & São Paulo. Forum Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos, FIRS annal, 2019, pp. 1-9.ISSN 2527-1725Posted on site: 15.01.20 AbstractThis article is part of an exploratory research on the different institutional and social dimensions of waste management. Here, we draw on field research and interviews with stakeholders in the Russian and the Brazilian contexts to elucidate similarities and differences as well as potential mutual lessons. We found that despite their differences, societal initiatives have played an important part in shaping how waste issues are dealt with. This concerns especially marginalized urban dwellers and peripheral districts that suffer most from centrally planned techno-managerial approaches. New technological solutions have to involve broad stakeholder networks and have to consider consumer attitudes and changes at the source and not only receiving end.Авторы:Ермолаева Ю.В., Вайнс Н.В., Да Сильва К.Л., Да Коста Феррейра Л.