Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Toshchenko Zh. T. Obshchestvo travmy: mezhdu evolyutsiey i revolutsiei (opyt teoreticheskogo i empiriticheskogo analiza [Society of Trauma: between Evolution and Revolution (Experience of theoretical and applied analysis)] ...

Toshchenko Zh. T. Obshchestvo travmy: mezhdu evolyutsiey i revolutsiei (opyt teoreticheskogo i empiriticheskogo analiza [Society of Trauma: between Evolution and Revolution (Experience of theoretical and applied analysis)] / Institute of Sociology, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian State University for Humanities. Moscow: Izdatelstvo VES MIR, 2020. 352 p.
ISBN 978-5-7777-0801-4

Posted on site: 20.01.20



The development of contemporary civilization confronted with the phenomenon, still poorly studied and little known, which we call trauma of society. The fact is that there are significant, meaningful and significant events in the world that are impossible to identify and qualify in the old terms – evolution and revolution, describing and reflecting the changes. The book attempts to prove that, along with the main recognized ways of development – revolution and evolution – this particular phenomenon as a society trauma should be recognized. The author shows that a concept of «injury» have acquired a social significance as it is conceived of as a philosophical, psychological and sociological literature. For societies injury author classifies countries that for a long time are stagnating in their development or are in recession, losing previously achieved milestones. The book reveals the essential characteristics of society injury, its causes, consequences of its functioning. Particular attention is paid to Russia, which, in myopinion, can be attributed to the traumatized societies, as in its development, rejecting the socialist past, it did not reach the level, which started on its way of reforms. In this context, an analysis of the obstacles to be overcome for the implementation of a truly democratic, well-functioning society. For scholars, social researchers and students interested in and studying the problems of the inconsistent functioning of Russian society in the context of three development strategies: evolution, revolution and trauma.

Content (in russ)