Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Popova E.S. “Second Chance Education” and alternative trajectories as a mechanism for accumulation of human capital. Education and science in Russia: state and development potential : Collection, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 372-387.

Popova E.S. “Second Chance Education” and alternative trajectories as a mechanism for accumulation of human capital. Education and science in Russia: state and development potential : Collection, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 372-387.
ISSN 2658-3402
DOI 10.19181/obrnaukru.2019.11

Posted on site: 24.01.20

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Based on the analysis of statistical materials on the demographic situation in the Russian Federation, expert analytical reports on education and the state of the labour market, the dynamics of vocational education and population participation in lifelong education the dynamics of dropout rates for professional education and alternative educational trajectories were studied in the article in the context and existing problems of building up and effective use of human capital in our country. Until recently, the educational trajectory of “secondary general education plus a higher education program” in the ideas of the population and employers was perceived as massive, guaranteeing successful employment to one degree or another. Alternative mass educational trajectories “basic general education plus secondary vocational education” were determined by the socio-cultural and economic capital of th e family. Not only the analysis of the indicator of coverage by vocational education programs, but also the dynamics of admission for them give grounds to conclude that ideas about the mass character and alternative educational paths have undergone changes. Analysis of dropout dynamics for vocational education programs shows that if in the early 2000s the proportion of those who dropped out of the vocational education system was one fifth, in recent years it has been equal to one fourth. This circumstance cannot but affect the efficiency of accumulation and further use of human capital, especially in conditions of a reduction in the working-age population. It is proposed to consider the concept of “second chance education” as the most reactive mechanism for the accumulation of human capital in the circumstances of the current state of educational reality and new forms of inequality in education.