Sorokin P. A. Social and cultural dynamics. , Intro.article and comment. V.V. Sapova. – Moscow: Academic project, 2020. – 988 p. – (Theory of society). Sorokin P. A. Social and cultural dynamics. , Intro.article and comment. V.V. Sapova. – Moscow: Academic project, 2020. – 988 p. – (Theory of society).ISBN 978-5-8291-2459-5Posted on site: 27.01.20 AbstractThe main work of the outstanding Russian-American sociologist P. A. Sorokin (1889-1968) was published in the United States in four volumes in 1937-1941 and in the following years gained fame as a classic work in the field of sociology and cultural studies. The main pathos of the work is the denial of the world's natural-historical laws that act, like the laws of nature, withiron necessity. Based on the analysis of a huge statistical material, Sorokin proved that throughout human history there is an alternate change of three super-systems: sensual, ideational and idealistic. The future is not predetermined, and what it will be, Sorokin believes, depends on each of us. The book has been translated into almost all European languages and a number of Asian ones. In 1957, Sorokin prepared an abridged and adapted edition of Social and cultural dynamics, from which this translation is made. The translation is provided with extensive comments and an annotated index of names. The book is addressed to students and postgraduates of sociological faculties and all those who are interested in the problems of sociology, social philosophy, cultural studies and history.Авторы:Сапов В.В.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents В.В.Сапов. "Магический кристалл" социологии Предисловие Предисловие к полному изданию Часть 1. Введение Часть 2. Флуктуация идеациональной и чувственной форм искусства Часть 3. Флуктуация идеациональной и чувственной систем истины и знания Часть 4. Флуктуация идеациональных и чувственных форм нравственно-правового сознания Часть 5. Типы и флуктуация систем социальных отношений Часть 6. Флуктуация войн в системе межгрупповых отношений Часть 7. Флуктуация внутренних беспорядков в системе межгрупповых отношений Часть 8. Культура, личность и поведение Часть 9. "Почему" и "как" социокультурного измерения Приложение Библиография Комментарии Указатель имен