Pozdnyakova M. M., Bruno V.V. On the Problem of Modern Drug Situation in Russia - features of drug consumption among the working population. In: Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration [Electronic resource]: Materials of the International Conference. Part 2 (Beijing, PRC, January 25, 2020) ... Pozdnyakova M. M., Bruno V.V. On the Problem of Modern Drug Situation in Russia - features of drug consumption among the working population. In: Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration [Electronic resource]: Materials of the International Conference. Part 2 (Beijing, PRC, January 25, 2020) / Beijing, PRC, 2020. - 164 p. P. 119-125. DOI: 10.34660/INF.2020.24.53682ISBN 978-5-905695-86-5DOI 10.34660/INF.2020.24.53682Posted on site: 11.02.20Текст статьи.AbstractThe article is devoted to identifying new trends in the drug situation in Russia and in the world. The features of the use of psychoactive substances in various professional groups are analyzed: employees of technologically dangerous enterprises, construction industry, doctors, pharmacists and lawyers. It was revealed that the level of narcotization and the nature of drug use differ depending on the sector of the economy. Involvement in drug use in various professional groups is a specific adaptation process, the role of which is in the formation of a relatively prosperous lifestyle and quality of life. Drug familiarization is the chosen adaptation strategy for overcoming problems, difficult working conditions, stress, risk appetite and everyday extreme behavior. The article is devoted to identifying new trends in the drug situationin Russia and in the world. The features of the use of psychoactive substances invarious professional groups are analyzed: employees of technologically dangerousenterprises, construction industry, doctors, pharmacists and lawyers. It wasrevealed that the level of narcotization and the nature of drug use differ dependingon the sector of the economy. Involvement in drug use in various professionalgroups is a specific adaptation process, the role of which is in the formation ofa relatively prosperous lifestyle and quality of life. Drug familiarization is thechosen adaptation strategy for overcoming problems, difficult working conditions,stress, risk appetite and everyday extreme behavior. Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents