Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sogomonov A.Yu. Professors Ethics between academic vocation and local citizenship. Vedomosty prikladnoy etiky, 2020, Vol. 55, pp. 91-104.

Sogomonov A.Yu. Professors Ethics between academic vocation and local citizenship. Vedomosty prikladnoy etiky, 2020, Vol. 55, pp. 91-104.
ISSN 2307-518X

Posted on site: 24.03.20

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 24.03.2020)


History and current civilizational transit of the University and its ethics is under the consideration. The professorship ethos has become the main object of public critique and discussion. The author argues that the distinction between top rate universities and ordinary ones leads to the split in the university ethos itself. The responsibility before knowledge is substituted by civic local responsibility in the out of the top-5000 unuiversities of the world.