Nedoseka E.V. Local identity of single-industry towns’ population (case study of the town of Sokol). Problems of Territory’s Development, 2020, no. 1 (105), pp. 109–123. DOI: 10.15838 ... Nedoseka E.V. Local identity of single-industry towns’ population (case study of the town of Sokol). Problems of Territory’s Development, 2020, no. 1 (105), pp. 109–123. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2020.1.105.8ISSN 2076-8915DOI 10.15838/ptd.2020.1.105.8 РИНЦ: on site: 25.03.20Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 25.03.2020)AbstractThe article is aimed at analyzing the phenomenon of local identity of the urban community of a single-industry city. A structural model of local identity is proposed, which includes the following components: the image of the city, the assessment of the future and prospects of the city's development, and the migration moods of residents. The paper presents a case study of the local identity of the urban community of the single-industry city of Sokol in the Vologda region, obtained as a result of sociological research (using group interviews and questionnaires). The empirical basis of this study was: a group interview with local residents conducted in August 2018; data from the sociological survey Socio-structural effects of civilizational changes in Russian society, organized on the territory of the city of Sokol in the Vologda region in October 2018. method of measurement: a survey of respondents ' place of residence. Sample size: 500 people aged 18 and over. Sampling error: less than 3%. The representativeness of sociological information was ensured by using a multi-stage sample model with quota selection of observation units based on the gender and age composition of the population; random selection of respondents by questionnaires based on specified quotas. The results of the study established differences between cognitive and behavioral components of the local identity of the urban community of the towns of Falcon, which indicate the predominance in the minds of the citizens the image of the Soviet model of the city, closely associated with the activity profile of the enterprise, but does not coincide with the actual practices of employment and meet social and cultural needs. The changes of recent decades have made significant changes to the meaning of identities of the residents of single-industry towns: the periphery became a local curse and is associated with remoteness, backwardness and stagnation; the proletarian identity has lost all social significance and prestige and life-affirming image of the profile of the enterprise was transformed into a corporate identity, which are clearly identifiable corporate culture and business structures far from specific territorial references.