Patsiorkovsky V.V. Spatial development: municipalities and the population of promising centers of socio-economic growth. In: Russia: Trends and development prospects. Yearbook. Issue 15: Materials of the XIX National Scientific Conference with International Participation Modernization of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions. Part 1 ... Patsiorkovsky V.V. Spatial development: municipalities and the population of promising centers of socio-economic growth. In: Russia: Trends and development prospects. Yearbook. Issue 15: Materials of the XIX National Scientific Conference with International Participation Modernization of Russia: Priorities, Problems, Solutions. Part 1 / RAS. INION. Dept. scientific. cooperation; Resp. ed. V.N. Gerasimov. - M., 2020. P. 735-740.ISBN 978-5-248-00954-1 DOI нетPosted on site: 17.09.20 AbstractThe article analyzes the composition of municipalities and the population of promising centers of socio-economic growth. The nomenclature of these centers was introduced in the Strategy for the spatial development of the country in 2019. Turning simultaneously to cities and municipalities, the Strategy gives many of them additional access to resources that ensure their development.Content (in russ)hide table of contentsshow table of contents