Voronin G. L., Kiseleva I. P., Kozyreva P. M., Kosolapov M. S., Nizamova A. E., Sivkova I. V., Smirnov A. I., Sokolova S. B., Tonis E. I., Evgrafova K. O. Russian households: Economic Behavior, Position on the Labor Market, Social Well-Being (RLMS-HSE, 1994–2018). In: Bulletin of the Russian monitoring of the economic situationand public health of the Higher School of Economics (RLMS ‑ HSE). Issue 10 [Electronicresource]: Sat. scientific. Art. ... Voronin G. L., Kiseleva I. P., Kozyreva P. M., Kosolapov M. S., Nizamova A. E., Sivkova I. V., Smirnov A. I., Sokolova S. B., Tonis E. I., Evgrafova K. O. Russian households: Economic Behavior, Position on the Labor Market, Social Well-Being (RLMS-HSE, 1994–2018). In: Bulletin of the Russian monitoring of the economic situationand public health of the Higher School of Economics (RLMS ‑ HSE). Issue 10 [Electronicresource]: Sat. scientific. Art. / resp. ed. P.M. Kozyreva. - Electron. text. Dan. (volume 1.53 Mb). - M .: Nat. issled. University Higher School of Economics. 2020. P. 7-94. Глава из книги: Вестник Российского мониторинга экономического положения и здоровья населения НИУ ВШЭ (RLMS‑HSE). Вып. 10 [Электронный ресурс] : сб. науч. ст. / отв. ред. П. М. Козырева. – Электрон. текст. дан. (объем 1,53 Мб). – М.: Нац. исслед. ун-т Высшая школа экономики, 2020. – 142 с. : илл. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM), 12 см.ISSN 2618-9046; ISBN 978-5-7598-2088-8 DOI 10.17323/978‑5‑7598‑2088‑8_7‑94Posted on site: 30.10.20Текст издания на сайте НИУ-ВШЭ URL: https://www.hse.ru/data/2020/06/29/1610612372/Вестник РМЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ 2020.pdf (дата обращения 30.10.2020)AbstractIn this paper, we analyze the changes in socio-economic behavior of Russian households in the period between 1994 and 2018. As the RLMS-HSE data show, the growth of real household income slowed down to 7,1% in 2018. The share of household income that comes from government transfer payments fell to 40,8%, while the share of income from wages and salaries increased to 46,5%. On average, well-off families earned 2,7 times more than low-income families did in 2018. In 2018, there was a 3,6-percent decrease in household expenditures with food expenditures stagnating and non-food spending decreasing by 5,5%. The spending gap between the wealthy and the poor continued to narrow as well-off families spent 4,7 times more than low-income households. In 2018, the unemployment rate declined to 3,3% in population in general, with unemployment going down to 3,2% among men and 3,3% among women. In the meantime, the labor force participation decreased by 0,9 percentage points and amounted to 81% of the adult population. Men continued to outperform women in terms of the share of wage-earners and average work-related income. In 2018, female workers earned 73,7% of the average male income. In 2018, although half of the respondents (49,6%) were generally satisfied with life, the share of those discontented with their financial circumstances increased compared to 2017, reaching 57,9%. The bulk of respondents (49,5%) expected no improvement in their financial situation. Despite that, respondents were slightly less anxious about losing their job and were more optimistic about their chances to find another one. In general, the level of job satisfaction has increased. Авторы:Воронин Г.Л., Киселёва И.П., Козырева П.М., Косолапов М.С., Низамова А.Э., Сивкова И.В., Смирнов А.И., Соколова С.Б., Тонис Е.И., Евграфова К.О.