Tartakovskaya I.N. Connecting the Unconnectable: Boroday S. Yu., Мukhetdinov D. V. Islamskaya feministskaya germenevtika: idei i perspektivy ... Tartakovskaya I.N. Connecting the Unconnectable: Boroday S. Yu., Мukhetdinov D. V. Islamskaya feministskaya germenevtika: idei i perspektivy // Islamskaya mysl: traditsiya i sovremennost’. Vol. 4. M.: Medina, 2020. P. 359–498. Islam in the modern world. 2020;16(2):256-262. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.22311/2074-1529-2020-16-2-256-262ISSN 2074-1529DOI 10.22311/2074-1529-2020-16-2-256-262РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43829954&Posted on site: 11.11.20Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://islamjournal.idmedina.ru/jour/article/view/789/495 (дата обращения 11.11.2020)AbstractThe article examines the evolution of Islamic feminism in the form in which it is presented in the works of contemporary Russian Islamic scholars. Islamic feminism, being a completely independent phenomenon, is, nevertheless, not an isolated intellectual enterprise, but one of the important projects of Islamic neo-modernism - an ideological and political trend that aims to renew Islam and bring it in line with the realities of our time. This trend is very influential, although catastrophically underrepresented in today's system of political and media representations, where it is customary to portray Islam as something monolithic, conservative, and often even reactionary and dangerous.