Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Levashov V.K., Shushpanova I.S., Anishchenko A.V. State measures and reserves to support Russian entrepreneurship in the context of COVID-crisis. Alma mater, 2020, no. 11, pp. 92-102.

Levashov V.K., Shushpanova I.S., Anishchenko A.V. State measures and reserves to support Russian entrepreneurship in the context of COVID-crisis. Alma mater, 2020, no. 11, pp. 92-102.
ISSN 1026-955X
DOI 10.20339/AM.11-20.092

Posted on site: 18.11.20



Researched are social and political effects of the COVID-crisis, having signifi cant impact on all spheres of Russian civil society and the rule of law. Under the current conditions, Russian entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized businesses are under the threatof unforeseen challenges in the economy, and the risks of bankruptcy and unemployment have increased to their maximum in recent years. To understand the causes and content of the processes occurring in the economy, it becomes relevant to analyze the adequacy andeffectiveness of state measures of social, political and economic support from the point of view of entrepreneurs themselves, who make a specifi c contribution to the country’s economy and provide jobs and wages for employees. Establishing feedback and dialogue in the interaction of business and government is a problem area for using state support tools. The research results showed that more than half of the enterprises were not included in the list of affected industries compiled by the authorities, and the support measures proposed by the state proved to be unavailable or ineffective for promptly solving the current problems of the majority of Russian entrepreneurs. The article examines the reserves and opportunities for improving the effectiveness of state support measures for Russian entrepreneurship.