Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Yarasheva A.V. Behavioral Economics: research on population expectations and strategies. Economics and Management, 2020; 26(3): 264-272.

Yarasheva A.V. Behavioral Economics: research on population expectations and strategies. Economics and Management, 2020; 26(3): 264-272.
ISSN 1998-1627
DOI 10.35854/1998-1627-2020-3-264-272

Posted on site: 01.12.20



The study is devoted to the analysis of the expectations and strategies of individuals in their economic behavior. Aim. To identify the main trends in the transformation of behavioral patterns of the population in the field of economic decision-making, primarily in the process of implementing savings strategies. Tasks. Compare the data from 2007 (2010) to 2019 on: the structure of the use of cash incomes, the assessment by the population of the favorable conditions for making large purchases and generating savings, on the availability of savings and their growth opportunities, on the minimum amount and purpose of savings. Methodology. In the study, such research methods were used as the collection and comparative analysis of data from statistics service, the National Agency for Financial Research (NAFI), the Public Opinion Foundation (POF), as well as the results of the Institute of Socio- Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences study, which characterize a number of directions of monetary behavior of Russians. Results. The dynamics of changes in economic strategies and population expectations for the study period is shown. The results of the analysis of the data published by Rosstat are confirmed by the results of sociological surveys: Russians increasingly prefer to practice conservative economic strategies and the lack of optimism in their forecasts. With respect to savings models, there is a noticeable decrease in opportunities for savings and for assessing the size of the amount itself, called savings. Conclusions. The transformation of the economic behavior of the population is influenced by factors related to both rational reasons for making certain decisions and mental (psychological) motives for choosing a strategy. Changes in the patterns of saving behavior most often studied by Russian scientists are caused by socio-economic factors (external impact) and acquired practical experience (internal impact). The study is devoted to the analysis of the expectations and strategies of individuals intheir economic behavior. Aim. To identify the main trends in the transformation of behavioral patterns of thepopulation in the field of economic decision-making, primarily in the process of implementingsavings strategies. Tasks. Compare the data from 2007 (2010) to 2019 on: the structure of the use of cashincomes, the assessment by the population of the favorable conditions for making largepurchases and generating savings, on the availability of savings and their growth opportunities,on the minimum amount and purpose of savings. Methodology. In the study, such research methods were used as the collection andcomparative analysis of data from statistics service, the National Agency for Financial Research(NAFI), the Public Opinion Foundation (POF), as well as the results of the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences study, which characterize anumber of directions of monetary behavior of Russians. Results. The dynamics of changes in economic strategies and population expectations forthe study period is shown. The results of the analysis of the data published by Rosstat areconfirmed by the results of sociological surveys: Russians increasingly prefer to practiceconservative economic strategies and the lack of optimism in their forecasts. With respect tosavings models, there is a noticeable decrease in opportunities for savings and for assessing the size of the amount itself, called savings. Conclusions. The transformation of the economic behavior of the population isinfluenced by factors related to both rational reasons for making certain decisions and mental(psychological) motives for choosing a strategy. Changes in the patterns of saving behavior mostoften studied by Russian scientists are caused by socio-economic factors (external impact) andacquired practical experience (internal impact).