Ryumina E.V. Financial support for improving the quality of the population in the regions. Journal of Economy and Business, 2020, vol. 10-2 (68), pp. 135-143 Ryumina E.V. Financial support for improving the quality of the population in the regions. Journal of Economy and Business, 2020, vol. 10-2 (68), pp. 135-143ISSN 2411-0450DOI 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10828РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44225784Posted on site: 03.12.20 AbstractAn important factor in improving the quality of the population is the improvement of their quality of life, which requires financial resources. The article considers the main financial sources for influencing the quality of the population, these are monetary incomes of the population, spending on education and health care. A comparative analysis of these indicators was carried out in the context of the Russian regions. Special attention is paid to financing social programs implemented in the regions.