Vartanova M. L. Analysis of the employment level of rural residents: gender stereotypes. Natural and humanitarian research, 2020, No. 31 (5), pp. 71-77. Vartanova M. L. Analysis of the employment level of rural residents: gender stereotypes. Natural and humanitarian research, 2020, No. 31 (5), pp. 71-77.ISSN 2309-4788 (print); 2687-1009 (online)DOI 10.24411/2309-4788-2020-10524Posted on site: 10.12.20Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 10.12.2020)AbstractThroughout the history of human society, people have formed stereotypical ideas about the image of men and women in accordance with which the corresponding stereotypes of family-role relations were formed. The same stereotypes were formed in the professional activities of men and women, where professional competence in many specialties was attributed more to a man than to a woman. The article reveals gender stereotypes in their essence as fixed social norms and specific qualities and behaviors that people of one or another gender should follow. It is noted that in real rural life, the vast majority of people follow these norms, i.e. stereotypes. At the same time, gender stereotypes are strikingly resilient and firmly rooted in the minds of people who play a negative role in the development of a woman's personality, in the realization of her professional abilities and opportunities, in her self-realization and professional growth.