Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sergey V. Ryazantsev. Demographic challenges for Russia and Iran in the context of the Сovid-19 pandemic. In: I Russian-Iranian Sociological Forum. Conference Proceedings (Moscow, 16 – 18 November 2020) ...

Sergey V. Ryazantsev. Demographic challenges for Russia and Iran in the context of the Сovid-19 pandemic. In: I Russian-Iranian Sociological Forum. Conference Proceedings (Moscow, 16 – 18 November 2020) / Eds.-in-chief S.V. Ryazantsev, T.K. Rostovskaya, FCTAS RAS. – M.: Perspetiva Publishing , 2020. – P. 10-23

Глава из книги: I Российско-Иранский социологический форум. Сборник тезисов докладов участников форума (Москва, 16 – 18 ноября 2020 г.) / Отв. ред. С. В. Рязанцев, Т. К. Ростовская; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ИТД ПЕРСПЕКТИВА, 2020. – 560 с.
ISBN 978-5-905790-47-8
DOI нет

Posted on site: 13.12.20

Текст статьи/сборника URL:


The COVID-19 pandemic has unexpectedly become a new factor in changing the demographic situation in the world, Russia and Iran. The main influence of the pandemic was manifested in an increase in mortality and a decrease in the migration mobility of the population. The ongoing pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 has covered today the population of more than 200 countries of the world, with cases of diseases exceeding 40 million and more than 1.1 million deaths. In many countries of the world, supermortality has appeared. The total number of deaths in Russia due to coronavirus infection, including other causes with the influence of COVID-19, totalled 27.3 thousand people. Russia is in thirteenth place in the world in terms of the number of deaths. In Iran, the number of deaths was more than 30 thousand, which corresponds to the tenth place in the world. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration mobility has been extremely negative in all regions of the world.