Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mekhrishvili L.L. Social portrait of the family of the region: to the formulation of the problem

Mekhrishvili L.L. Social portrait of the family of the region: to the formulation of the problem / L. L. Mekhrishvili, V. A. Yudashkin. In: Sociology and society: traditions and innovations in the social development of regions [Electronic resource]: Collection of reports of the VI All-Russian Sociological Congress (Tyumen, 14-16 October 2020) / Resp. ed. V.A. Mansurov; ed. E.Yu. Ivanova. - Moscow: ROS; FNISTS RAN, 2020. P. 4542-4547. 1 electron. wholesale 12 cm disc (CD-ROM).

Глава из книги: Социология и общество: традиции и инновации в социальном развитии регионов [Электронный ресурс]: Сборник докладов VI Всероссийского социологического конгресса (Тюмень, 14–16 октября 2020 г.) / Отв. ред. В.А. Мансуров; ред. Е.Ю. Иванова. – Москва: РОС; ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020 – 6003 с. 1 электрон. опт. диск 12 см. (CD-ROM)
ISBN 978–5–904804–30–5
DOI 10.19181/kongress.2020.534

Posted on site: 11.01.21



The study of the specifics of family life as the basis of social and everyday practice is rational through the explication of the operational model of its social portrait. The main components are explicated, the structure is developed and the methodology for studying the social portrait of the family at the regional level is proposed. The study of the specifics of family life as the basis of social and everyday practiceis rational through the explication of the operational model of its social portrait. The maincomponents are explicated, the structure is developed and the methodology for studying thesocial portrait of the family at the regional level is proposed.