Ledeneva V.Yu. Displacement strategies and programs in ASEAN countries. In the collection Migration processes in the Asia-Pacific region: political, socio-economic demographic effects: Collection of labor resources of the scientific-practical conference (Moscow, November 5-6, 2020) ... Ledeneva V.Yu. Displacement strategies and programs in ASEAN countries. In the collection Migration processes in the Asia-Pacific region: political, socio-economic demographic effects: Collection of labor resources of the scientific-practical conference (Moscow, November 5-6, 2020) / Ed. M.N. Khramovoy, R.V. Manshina. - Knowledge-M, 2020. P. 67-77.Глава из книги: Миграционные процессы в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе: политические, социально-экономические и демографические эффекты: Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции (Москва, 5–6 ноября 2020 г.) / Под ред. М.Н. Храмовой, Р. В. Маньшина. – Знание-М, 2020. – 185 с.ISBN 978-5-907345-84-3DOI 10.38006/907345-84-3.2020.67.77Posted on site: 16.02.21 AbstractInternational migration is one of the key factors shaping the development contours of the Asia-Pacific region. In 2017, the United Nations estimated that there were 67.2 million international migrants in the countries and territories of the Asia-Pacific region. And it manifests itself in the form of low-skilled labor, highly skilled migration, forced migration, student migration and migration for the purpose of marriage. The article examines some strategies and migration programs of the ASEAN country on the example of two groups of the main countries of the migration process. Secondary evidence is used to analyze complex strategies to make migration in Southeast Asia safe, orderly and legal.