Kuznetsov I.S. Higher education as a determinant of generalized trust. In: Education and science in Russia: state and development potential: Yearbook. Issue 5 ... Kuznetsov I.S. Higher education as a determinant of generalized trust. In: Education and science in Russia: state and development potential: Yearbook. Issue 5 / Exec. ed. A. L. Arefiev; FCTAS RAS. – M.: FCTAS RAS, 2020. P. 232-249. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=9407Глава из книги: Образование и наука в России: состояние и потенциал развития: Ежегодник. Вып. 5 / Отв. ред. А. Л. Арефьев; ФНИСЦ РАН. – М.: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. – 415 с. URL: https://www.fnisc.ru/index.php?page_id=1198&id=9376ISBN 978-5-89697-350-8; ISSN 2658-3402DOI 10.19181/obrnaukru.2020.12РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44868397Posted on site: 01.04.21 AbstractThe article is devoted to the study of the influence of education on generalized trust. Researchers consider education in modern research as one of the main predictors of trust. Its effect is that the more educated a person more likely to trust unfamiliar people. We can observe a similar influence in many countries. At the same time, domestic studies note the ambiguity of such the influence of education on generalized trust. On the one hand, the more educated are more likely to have generalized trust. On the other hand, less educated people are more likely to have generalized trust. Based on this, we pose the following questions in our work. Are higher, primary school and incomplete secondary education related to generalized trust? In which social relationships (personal or impersonal) are highly educated people more likely to trust, and in which less educated The article is devoted to the study of the influence of education on generalizedtrust. Researchers consider education in modern research as one of the main predictorsof trust. Its effect is that the more educated a person more likely to trust unfamiliarpeople. We can observe a similar influence in many countries. At the same time, domesticstudies note the ambiguity of such the influence of education on generalized trust. Onthe one hand, the more educated are more likely to have generalized trust. On the otherhand, less educated people are more likely to have generalized trust. Based on this, wepose the following questions in our work. Are higher, primary school and incomplete secondaryeducation related to generalized trust? In which social relationships (personal orimpersonal) are highly educated people more likely to trust, and in which less educated people are more likely to trust? Based on the data of the 7th wave of the World Values Survey, we give answers. There is a positive correlation only between higher education and generalized trust. Moreover, higher education correlates with trust in more impersonal relationships.