Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ledeneva V.Yu., Begassilov B.T. (2021). Influence of religious factor on the integration of Muslim migrants in Russia. Management Issues, 2021, no. 1, pp. 118–130.

Ledeneva V.Yu., Begassilov B.T. (2021). Influence of religious factor on the integration of Muslim migrants in Russia. Management Issues, 2021, no. 1, pp. 118–130.
ISSN 2304-3369
DOI 10.22394/2304-3369-2021-1-118-130

Posted on site: 07.04.21

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 07.04.2021)


The article analyzes the role of the religious factor in the involvement of migrants in the socio-cultural,linguistic and ethno-religious environment of the host community and the influence of religious practiceson their integration into the Russian society. A theoretical analysis of transnational changes in migrationprocesses in the context of modern globalization is carried out. Modern migrants create new social environment,form and maintain multi-layered relationships, create new patterns of behavior and transnationalpractices, including religious ones, which can facilitate or, conversely, hinder their integration into a newsociety.The purpose of the article is to find out if religious activity of transnational Muslim migrants helps theiradaptation to and integration into the host society, or, on the contrary, it creates situations in which not onlythe adaptation of migrants becomes impossible, but there appears a conflict. On the basis of a secondaryanalysis of sociological research and expert polls conducted by the authors, the factors of socioculturaladaptation of migrants, the level of religious activity and the associated risks of manifestation of conflictsituations have been revealed.The result of the study is identification of the main typical groups of migrants according to the degreeof their religiosity, as well as the conclusion that religiosity is a constraining factor in integration: religiousmigrants adapt to society with the help of the diaspora or religious groups, but they practically do notintegrate into society, since they do not speak the Russian language and do not know Russian culture andtraditions. It is noted that in the absence of an adequate state migration policy, the religious factor canbecome the reason for the isolation of migrants and formation of negative stereotypes about them on thepart of the local population.Methodologically, the article is based on the data from federal and regional sociological and expert pollswith representatives of ethnic and religious public organizations.