Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Osadchaya G.I. Assessing the level of social adaptation among young migrants in the megapolis. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 186–198. DOI: 10.15838 ...

Osadchaya G.I. Assessing the level of social adaptation among young migrants in the megapolis. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 186–198. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2021.1.73.13
ISSN 1998-0698
DOI 10.15838/esc.2021.1.73.13

Posted on site: 13.04.21

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 13.04.2021)


The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for sociological analysis and assessment on this basis, the level of social adaptation of migrants, its influence on the decision of key accommodation problems, behavioral reactions, social moods, ideas about adaptation strategies of Russia, personal strategies of acculturation, support of integration processes in the EAEU. The novelty is due to the lack of a consistent theoretical models of empirical measurement and explanation of these complex processes, as well as the need to study young citizens of Kyrgyzstan in Moscow as the most difficult to adapt group, in comparison with migrants from other EAEU member states. Analysis the level of adaptation of young citizens of Kyrgyzstan in Moscow is based on the basic ideas of sociological theories about human adaptation to a changing social environment, that social adaptation forms a semantic field that encompasses a wide range of interactions with such phenomena as accommodation, acculturation and integration, as a result of successful integration into the structures of host societies, adaptation to norms and views of the majority. Methodical strategy includes structured interviews young migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow, selected by the snowball method according to certain criteria: citizens of Kyrgyzstan who came to Moscow after 2015 and lived there is more than one month, at the age of 17-30 years. Unlike previously published works, which analyze certain aspects of adaptation of migrants from Kyrgyzstan in the regions The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for sociological analysis and assessmenton this basis, the level of social adaptation of migrants, its influence on the decision of keyaccommodation problems, behavioral reactions, social moods, ideas aboutadaptation strategies of Russia, personal strategies of acculturation, support of integration processes in the EAEU. The novelty is due to the lack of a consistent theoreticalmodels of empirical measurement and explanation of these complex processes, as well as the need to study young citizens of Kyrgyzstan in Moscow as the most difficult to adapt group, in comparison with migrants from other EAEU member states. Analysisthe level of adaptation of young citizens of Kyrgyzstan in Moscow is based on the basic ideas of sociological theories about human adaptation to a changing social environment, thatsocial adaptation forms a semantic field that encompasses a wide range of interactions with such phenomena as accommodation, acculturation and integration, as a result of successful integration into the structures of host societies, adaptation to norms andviews of the majority. Methodical strategy includes structured interviewsyoung migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow, selected by the snowball method according to certain criteria: citizens of Kyrgyzstan who came to Moscow after 2015 and livedthere is more than one month, at the age of 17-30 years. Unlike previously published works,which analyze certain aspects of adaptation of migrants from Kyrgyzstan in the regions