Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Samba A.D. Trends in the professionalization of traditional occupations in the Republic of Tyva. In: Socio-stratification processes in the Republic of Tyva: [monograph] ...

Samba A.D. Trends in the professionalization of traditional occupations in the Republic of Tyva. In: Socio-stratification processes in the Republic of Tyva: [monograph] / [Z. T. Golenkova et al.]; ed. by Z. T. Golenkov, Yu. V. Goliusov, P. E. Sushko; FNISTC RAS. - M.-Kyzyl: FNISTC RAS, 2020. P. 90-103.

Глава из книги: Социально-стратификационные процессы в Республике Тыва: [монография] / [З. Т. Голенкова и др.]; отв. ред. З. Т. Голенкова, Ю. В. Голиусова, П. Е. Сушко; ФНИСЦ РАН. — М.-Кызыл: ФНИСЦ РАН, 2020. — 128 с.
ISBN 978-5-89697-332-4

Posted on site: 21.05.21



This chapter is devoted to the study of traditional forms of employment characteristic of modern Tuva, as well as to the identification of some features of a specific group of employees — the traditional self-employed in the labor market of Tuva. The analysis revealed a number of factors that currently determine labor relations and employment in modern Tuva. Transformation of the regional community and its consequences (in particular, the strengthening of social differentiation, the deepening of social inequalities, the increase in unemployment, etc.) layered on the all-Russian trends associated with more global changes in the Russian economy. This chapter is devoted to the study of traditional forms of employment characteristic of modern Tuva, as well as to the identification ofsome features of a specific group of employees — the traditional self-employed in the labor market of Tuva. Theanalysis revealed a number of factors thatcurrently determine labor relations and employmentin modern Tuva. Transformation of the regional communityand its consequences (in particular, the strengthening of social differentiation, the deepening of social inequalities, the increase in unemployment, etc.) layered on the all-Russian trends associated with more global changes in the Russianeconomy.