Nikovskaya L.I. The conflict dimension of network and hierarchical principles in modern Russia. Kоnfliktоlоgia. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 9-26. Nikovskaya L.I. The conflict dimension of network and hierarchical principles in modern Russia. Kоnfliktоlоgia. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pp. 9-26.ISSN 2310-6085DOI 10.31312/2310-6085-2021-16-2-9-25РИНЦ: on site: 04.07.21 AbstractThe emerging network society (in a broad sense) actualizes the request for the processes of self-organization of social systems within management schemes, increasing the value of the communicative efficiency of state / municipal management. And this sets new formats in modern public administration, which is mastering the alphabet of directed influence, the factors of smart, soft regulation and coordination of public processes that reduce the negative potential of the contradiction between the monopolism of administrative and bureaucratic power structures and the growing variety of civil initiatives in the public sphere. From the point of view of the conflictological approach, we are witnessing the maturation in the new conditions of a fundamental contradiction between the need to preserve the monolithic (sovereign) vertical of state power and the inexorably growing civil and social pluralism that calls to life the emerging network society. The dormant syndrome of the constantly reproducing base of the conflict unfolding in digital-network relations requires the modern state to move from the dilemma of the rule-submission relationship to a relationship based on the principles of leadership-acceptance. In practice, the complex nature of State power in the current time of transition is most often a mixture of domination and leadership on the one hand, acceptance and submission on the other. Convergent trends in the interaction of hierarchical and network management principles are increasingly taking on a conflicting form. The article provides a typology of actual or possible conflict situations in order to institutionalize the process of resolving emerging conflicts in accordance with the type and complexity of its structural components. This determines the change in the nature of public administration in the direction of co-governance. The growing autonomy and multi-vector nature of public participation in these conditions is increasingly focused on the actualization of the concepts of co-management and coordination as the main forms of managerial influence, which imply the interdependence and interest of actors in joint actions. The advantage of joint actions lies in the effect of synergy, a kind of surplus value obtained as a result of such actions, which significantly reduce social tension and conflict potential of interaction