Institute of Sociology
of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Modernization of green jobs and problems of professionalization in the renewable energy sector in the world and in Russia. Financial markets and banks. 2021. No. 6. Pp. 38-45. doi:10.24412 ...

Ermolaeva Yu.V. Modernization of green jobs and problems of professionalization in the renewable energy sector in the world and in Russia. Financial markets and banks. 2021. No. 6. Pp. 38-45. doi:10.24412/2658-3917-2021-6-38-45
ISSN 2658-3917
DOI 10.24412/2658-3917-2021-6-38-45

Posted on site: 29.07.21

Текст статьи/выпуска на сайте журнала URL: (дата обращения 29.07.2021)


This article is devoted to analytics and reviews of the development trend of the green jobs market according to the global reports of the IRENA, IPCC and IEA groups. In their forecasts, they expect 42 million jobs to be created in the renewable energy sector by 2050, with solar, wind and bio-energy remaining leading. The main problem that will have to be faced in the formation of the job market is  the unequal distribution of jobs in the renewable energy and carbon sectors, as well as temporary, spatial inconsistencies: the presence of unmet demand for skills and knowledge and the existing level of competencies. In contrast to Russia, with the exception of Russian hydropower, many regions of the world have programs for the development of green jobs, including retraining, the introduction of renewable energy into industrial cycles, the creation of new chains of economic communications and incentives for sustainable jobs. By 2035, Russia is expected to introduce up to 105 thousand jobs based on renewable energy sources, while along with the standard economic drivers of renewable energy sources, an economic driver prevails, focused on future developments in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, geopolitics, and the development of green energy in urban networks. This article is devoted to analytics and reviews of the developmenttrend of the green jobs market according to the global reports ofthe IRENA, IPCC and IEA groups. In their forecasts, they expect 42million jobs to be created in the renewable energy sector by 2050,with solar, wind and bio-energy remaining leading. The main problemthat will have to be faced in the formation of the job market  is the unequal distribution of jobs in the renewable energy and carbonsectors, as well as temporary, spatial inconsistencies: the presenceof unmet demand for skills and knowledge and the existing levelof competencies. In contrast to Russia, with the exception of Russianhydropower, many regions of the world have programs for thedevelopment of green jobs, including retraining, the introduction ofrenewable energy into industrial cycles, the creation of new chainsof economic communications and incentives for sustainable jobs.By 2035, Russia is expected to introduce up to 105 thousand jobsbased on renewable energy sources, while along with the standardeconomic drivers of renewable energy sources, an economic driverprevails, focused on future developments in the field of energy savingand energy efficiency, geopolitics, and the development of greenenergy in urban networks.