Chernyshev, K. (2021). A retrospective analysis of migration links of a donor region. Demographic Review, 8(1), 150-178. https: Chernyshev, K. (2021). A retrospective analysis of migration links of a donor region. Demographic Review, 8(1), 150-178. 2409-2274DOI 10.17323/demreview.v8i1.12397 РИНЦ: on site: 24.08.21Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: (Дата обращения 24.08.2021)AbstractThis article evaluates the migration links of a donor region using the example of the Kirov region, one of the largest migration donors in Russia for the maximum possible period of time in 1946–2018. The forms of the current registration of migration, which reflect the movement of the population in the territories of arrival and departure, are the only sources of data on the territorial structure of internal interregional and international permanenet migration in Russia covering the entire period studied. The problem of multiple changes in the boundaries of territories where arrivals and departures are recorded became a significant limitation for the implementation of a retrospective analysis of migration. Migration ties of the donor region are considered in exchange with 60 enlarged regions on the territory of Russia, the borders of which mainly correspond to the borders of modern constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 14 areas in the near abroad. Multiple revisions of the procedure for registering migrants made the data on the number of resettlements incomparable over time. As a result, for a retrospective analysis of the inter-territorial migration links of the donor region one has to resort to calculating the efficiency coefficients of migration exchange and the coefficients of the intensity of migration links. This makes it possible to assess, for each period, the intensity and effectiveness of migration links between the Kirov region and the regions of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. Residents of the Kirov region moved most intensively to the neighboring republics of Komi and Mari El, as well as to the Murmansk, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Kaliningrad regions, and to Kamchatka. The least effective exchange for the donor region was with the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, Krasnodar territory and Crimea.